Global Medical Training
@ UC Berkeley

Our Goals
Provide medical care in a more sustainable way
Implement Public Health Projects geared towards disease prevention and health education globally and locally - human centered design perspective
Continue to provide undergraduates an opportunity to learn through experience
GMT international was founded by Dr. Wil Johnson and Mrs. Patricia Johnson in 2004. Our focus is on promoting hands on clinical experience with an unwavering commitment to make a lasting impact.
The UC Berkeley chapter was founded in 2014 by our alumni Spencer Pace, Daren Liu and Taiki Nishihara.
What we do
As a GMT member you will:
• Set up mobile clinics and organize medical service trips in Latin America
• Be introduced to an interdisciplinary approach to medicine, incorporating both public health and clinical education
• Provide free healthcare, medications, and dental care to patients
• Educate our community on the world beyond the ivory tower that is Berkeley
• Provide Cal students a chance to make a difference!!!