Global Medical Training
@ UC Berkeley

Guest Speaker: Brittany Ganguly
March 15, 2018
GMT invited Brittany Ganguly, a former Peace Corps and current grad student at UC Berkeley. She shared her experience with the Peace Corps and public health related issues and challenges related to Burkina Faso and hoping to pursue a career in medical social work and making behavioral health services more accessible to those who need it most.
The Berkeley Project
October 28, 2017
For the fall 2017 Berkeley Project, we volunteered at Rosa Parks Elementary School helping out in the schoolyard and garden. We watered the flowers, took apart old wooden barrels, pulled weeds, and cleaned out the pond. The directors were really grateful for our help in making the schoolyard a better learning environment for students. Thanks to everyone who took the time to give back to our community!
Guest Speaker: Dr. Kristen Miranda
October 12, 2017
Dr. Kristen Miranda is currently a practicing physician at Zuckerberg hospital and was also part of the UCSF bilingual program to bridge the gap between health providers and Spanish speaking patients. She spent a year in the Dominican Republic doing medical volunteer work. At our event, she spoke about her experiences in the DR and providing opportunities to the underprivileged in healthcare.